Collaborative Project Modules

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The Collaborative Project Modules (CPMs) allow interested sites to collect additional variables underneath the CESQIP registry on a quality or research topic of interest.  CPMs build upon existing variables with additional, selected patient, disease, or outcome variables for a new research or quality project.  Sites that chose to participate in the CPM will have access to the CPM dashboard (similar to existing modules) and can utilize the data for the proposed project. Additionally, non-CESQIP sites can participate in a CPM at a reduced price and gain access to a limited data-set. These agreements are time-limited and project-specific. Non-CESQIP sites interested in participating in a CPM are encouraged to discuss the process with the CESQIP committee.

The CESQIP committee will work closely with the CPM participants in study design, variable selection, analysis, and presentation.  CPM projects will be featured at CESQIP quality meetings.  As such, each CPM will have a PI from one of the participating sites and a CESQIP Committee member champion who will work with the project team and serve as a liaison between the Committee, study team, and CESQIP’s platform vendor.


The CESQIP committee will solicit proposals from the CESQIP and AAES community for CPMs at selected times via the online application site.  Initially, we will open the application portal once per year.

The following are critical guidelines to follow as you prepare your proposal.  Applicants are encouraged to discuss these points with the CESQIP committee as you are preparing your proposal:

  • The project should be valuable to the entire CESQIP and larger Endocrine Surgery Community. The goal will be to pefform a consequential study that moves the field forward. While this could be defined as research, QI projects are also valid.
  • Additional variables and data requirements should not be prohibitively burdensome to collect. Successful proposals will include a few, well thought-out new variables. The concept is not to re-create an institutional database or collect every potential variable to be as comprehensive as possible.  The project and research goal should be focused.
    • New variables should build on existing variables
    • Ideally, 1-2 additional disease or patient variables and 1-2 new outcome measures
  • Proposals must be very specific in terms of the new variables to be collected under the CPM. The application will need to include definitions, variable encoding, specific selections or wording for the platform
  • Applications should demonstrate buy-in from two other institutions (a total of three institutions). These are collaborative   The application requires a named representative from each site. (Non-CESQIP sites can be one of the applying institutions). One investigator must be designated as the PI. CESQIP will assign a committee champion to work with you on the project.  Once the CPM is up and running, all CESQIP participating sites can chose to contribute data.
  • Authorship must be established at the time of application. You must designate first author, senior author, and other contributing authors in the online application.
  • The project team and committee champion will work with the CESQIP platform vendor to create a dashboard for the CPM once enough data has accrued.
  • The CESQIP committee will review and score applications according to the Scoring Sheet


  • Regulations regarding data release and use are similar to that of the CADP:
  • The CPM applications will be reviewed by the AAES CESQIP Committee. CPM proposals will be organ specific, per the research interests of the investigator and include cases diagnosed since the inception of CESQIP or a defined study period.  A pre-specified end date must also be provided.  At the end of the study period, the project team will work with the CESQIP committee to determine if the module should be continued, archived, folded into the larger organ module, etc.
  • Prior to the release of the CPM data to the investigator, evidence of IRB approval must be provided to the AAES CESQIP Committee Chair.
  • Aggregate data will be made available in excel or csv formats.
  • The CPM data are only to be used for the express research purpose outlined in the application.
    • For this reason, all abstracts and manuscripts using data from the CADP must be submitted to and reviewed by the AAES CESQIP Committee one month prior to presentation or publication.
    • Acknowledgement of CESQIP must be included in all abstract and paper submissions
    • Any publications/presentations must include the following statement:

      “CESQIP and the hospitals participating in CESQIP are the source of the data used herein; they have not verified and are not responsible for the statistical validity of the data analysis or the conclusions derived by the authors.   The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the official position of the AAES or CESQIP. Use of CESQIP data does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.”

    • Data are not to be used for promotion of a specific program or individual.
    • The scoring system will be similar to grant applications and feedback on scoring will be given to applicants.
    • A database of all data requests will be maintained to track each request, publication, proper regulatory controls and data misuse
    • Citizenship: The committee will also consider citizenship when making decisions about CPM proposals. Citizenship encompasses any prior interactions with the CADP/CPM process and adherence to the guidelines and deadlines for submitting abstracts, presentations, and manuscripts for review. Additionally, citizenship includes your site’s compliance with data entry and completeness on the CESQIP platform.It is our collective responsibility to ensure that CESQIP data is accurate and complete so that everyone can benefit from high quality data for research. Gross negligence of the CPM guidelines or data entry on the platform may result in the committee deciding to deny requests for research data.

    How to apply: General Instructions for Potential CESQIP CPM Applicants
    This section provides an overarching description of what investigators should anticipate as they plan their project proposals and prepare their application for access to the CESQIP Aggregate Data Files.

    • Initiate a new CPM research proposal application at
    • Submit biosketch for the PI and project leads from each site via the web portal. No facsimile or mailed copy of the application will be accepted.
    • Submit signed Research Use Agreement via the web portal. (Non-CESQIP sites will need to provide evidence of IRB approval for sharing a limited data set)
    • All applications will be reviewed by the AAES CESQIP Committee.
    • Notification of accepted proposals will be issued on or about <date TBD>
    • ArborMetrix (CESQIP’s vendor) will arrange access to the aggregate data files for awardees.
    • Awardees will be required to submit proof of IRB approval to the AAES CESQIP Committee Chair before release of the aggregate data file to awardee.
    • CPM awardees are required to submit a 6 month and 12 month progress reports to the AAES CESQIP Committee Chair.
      • CESQIP must review and approve all presentations, abstracts and manuscripts that use CESQIP data before presentation or submission. We request a one month lead time to review these materials.


    CPM Purpose and Terms of Agreement
    The CPM supports investigators at both non-CESQIP and CESQIP-participating institutions to conduct research derived from the CESQIP aggregate data. The Research Use Agreement document must be electronically signed by the Principle Investigator in the research proposal application. Data from CPM awardees may NOT be shared with other CESQIP participants or non-CPM investigators without the express written permission of the AAES CESQIP Committee unless they are listed as a co-investigator on the research proposal application. Data are for research or QI purposes only and are not to be used for marketing of any particular program or physician.


    CESQIP Aggregate Data Files Data Dictionary
    The current release of the CESQIP Aggregate Data Files is documented in this online data dictionary and includes: overview documentation describing the existing data variables, detailed documentation of the specific items included in the data.  Your CPM application must include analogous information for proposed variables


    Controversial or Contrary Behavior by Awardees (i.e. Sharing Data, Violating RUA, etc.):  Any data misuse will result in the individual(s) and/or program being banned from using the data for a period of 5 years. Individuals and programs who misuse data will have their names published on the CESQIP website and may face possible expulsion from the CESQIP.

    Questions regarding the CADP or the application process may be directed to CESQIP by email at 




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